Hi, I'm Christina Ivelisse Morris. I build dreamy visuals from scratch using 3D modeling programs, and occasionally, with light installations too.
My work has been shown in Chicago, New York and South Korea where I have also given artist talks, amongst other places. I've earned a Bachelor of Arts in Art, Media and Design from DePaul University in Chicago.
I am formally trained in fine arts - and entirely self-studied in 3D modeling, as one of few women of color in that field. I use CGI to create my own world and give life to memories and things I've really experienced.

Originally a new media artist working with LED and neon lights - my work has evolved to explore different avenues of being an artist. Right now, that looks like translating visual ideas from my 3D worlds, into something tangible that can connect with my viewer in the physical realm.
I live in, create in, and was raised in the city of Chicago.

2015 Bachelors in Art Media & Design from DePaul University
2018 South Korea (first Solo Exhibition)
I've given artists presentations across the globe
My work resides at the DePaul Art Museum
You can download my full Curriculum Vitae below.